What a great movie! This, for me, is Chinese Monty Python -
very offbeat but if you're a little strange, you'll enjoy the movie. If you don't know, it's Chinese (picked up both Mandarin and Cantonese with my highly limited understanding) with English subtitles. I laughed a lot (Heath told me that the people in the row in front of us kept turning around) but that's about normal. Hey - they don't teach me any of this stuff during
kung fu class! None of the 12 kicks of the Lau school...no Lion's Roar...no Buddhist Palm Kung Fu...although we *do* do "Frog." One of the guys was using a lot of South Horse and Wing Chun - gotta get my skills up to scratch, methinks. Thanks to Mike, Jo and Heath for a great evening :)
# posted by Roger Saner @ 11:18 pm